Vilnius Central Station

Central station as very important transportation hub has also an ambition to connect the divided parts city of Vilnius as well. Whole design is based on this particular idea. It highlights easy access for all pedestrians, passengers, cyclists or tourists in the first place. Main building of terminal is developer with respect to cultural heritage and genius loci of existing structures, but it brings the old layout to new era of usability and comfort. Our approach to this task is based on complex and sustainable development of the whole area not just terminal itself. The development is not about the massing concept of the new buildings, it creates the space for life, the urban space for people of city of Vilnius. Existing greenery, cycle paths and public space are newly organized, enhanced and connect in one coherent system in all the layers of city urbanism.


Vilnius, Lithuania


city of Vilnius


Architectural competition (7th place)




Pavel Fajfr, Petr Šuma, Tomáš Kroužil, Felix Smith, Mika Airydas, Donaldas Trainauskas (Prague Based, 4 Plius)